CD4510BMS Presettable BCD Up/Down Counter and the CD4516BMS Presettable Binary Up/Down counter consist of four synchronously clocked D-type flip-flops (with a gating structure to provide T-type flip-flop capability) connected as counters. These counters can be cleared by a high level on the RESET line, and can be preset to any binary number present on the jam inputs by a high level on the PRESET ENABLE line. The CD4510BMS will count out of non-BCD counter states in a maximum of two clock pulses in the up mode, and a maximum of four clock pulses in the down mode.
• High Voltage Types (20V Rating)
• CD4510BMS - BCD Type
• CD4516BMS - Binary Type
• Medium Speed Operation
- fCL = 8MHz Typ. at 10V
• Synchronous Internal Carry Propagation
• Reset and Preset Capability
• 100% Tested for Quiescent Current at 20V
• 5V, 10V and 15V Parametric Ratings
• Standardized Symmetrical Output Characteristics
• Maximum Input Current of 1µA at 18V Over Full Pack
age Temperature Range; 100nA at 18V and +25oC
• Noise Margin (Over Full Package/Temperature Range)
- 1V at VDD = 5V
- 2V at VDD = 10V
- 2.5V at VDD = 15V
• Meets All Requirements of JEDEC Tentative Standard
No. 13B, “Standard Specifications for Description of
‘B’ Series CMOS Devices”
• Up/Down Difference Counting
• Multistage Synchronous Counting
• Multistage Ripple Counting
• Synchronous Frequency Dividers