Low Resistance Chip down to 0.010Ω at ±1% with unique Pedestal Terminal Design for Current Sense in Hybrid and SMT Applications
Type CD Low Resistance Precision Chip Resistors utilize the proven Caddock Micronox® resistance films to achieve the unique low resistance range in this family. The special performance features of the Type CD Low Resistance Precision Film Resistor include:
• Style FC - Flip Chip version for surface mount applications.
Style WB - Wire Bond version for hybrid applications with metallized
back surface for solder down heat sinking of the chip, includes bondable
termination pedestals to receive aluminum wire bonds.
• Resistance as low as 0.010 ohm at ±1%.
• Pedestal terminals in this design provide an ultra low resistance
connection pad which maintains the precision 0.010Ω ±1% at the point
of customer Kelvin connection to the resistor chip. The pedestal terminal
with its copper core also provides heat spreading which enhances the
high power handling capability.
• Thermal resistance is provided to optimize high power designs when
utilizing higher thermal conductivity circuit board substrates such as IMS
or Alumina.
• High pulse handling and overload capability.
• Low inductance provides excellent high frequency and pulse response.