ROHM Semiconductor
ID ROM for CRT display
The BR24C21 series are 1kbits serial EEPROMs and support DDC1TM and DDC2TM interfaces for PLUG&PLAY displays.
1) 128 x 8 bits serial EEPROM
2) Operating voltage range (2.5V∼5.5V)
3) Completely implements DDC1TM / DDC2TM interface
for monitor identification
Transmit-Only Mode
Recovery Mode
Bi-directional Mode
4) Page write function : 8 bytes
5) Low current consumption
Active (at 5V) : 1.5mA (Typ.)
Standby (at 5V) : 10µA (Typ.)
6) DATA security
Write enable feature
Inhibit to WRITE at low Vcc
7) Compact packages
8) High reliability fine pattern CMOS technology
9) Rewriting possible up to 100,000 times
10) Data can be stored for ten years without corruption
11) Noise filters at SCL, SDA and VCLK pins