Analog Intergrations
The AIC1630A is a DC-DC converter designed to drive an external power switch for more flexibility, especially in higher voltage and larger power applications. Typically six components are required to set up a step up configuration easily achieving efficiency beyond 80%. A few more components are required to set up a step down configuration delivering 4A load current with 83% typical efficiency, 86% at 2A load, and 300µA quiescent current.
• Default +5V Output Voltage.
• Adjustable Output Voltage with Two Resistors.
• Power-Saving Shutdown Mode (7µA typical).
• 120KHz Switching Rate.
• On-Chip Low Battery Detector.
• Palmtop & Notebook Computers.
• Battery Charger Supply.
• Cellular Telephone.
• LCD Contrast Supply.
• Flash Memory Programmer.
• Battery Backup Supplies.
• Portable Instruments.