Analog Devices
The ADIS16350/5 iSensorTM is a complete triple axis gyroscope and triple axis accelerometer inertial sensing system. This sensor combines the Analog Devices Inc. iMEMS® and mixed signal processing technology to produce a highly integrated solution, providing calibrated, digital inertial sensing. An SPI interface and simple output register structure allow for easy system interface and programming. The ADIS16355 provides calibration over a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
Tri-axis gyroscope with digital range scaling
±75, ±150, ±300°/s settings
14-bit resolution
Tri-axis accelerometer
±10 g measurement range
14-bit resolution
350 Hz bandwidth
Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and alignment
ADIS16350: +25°C, ADIS16355: -40°C to +85°C
Digitally controlled bias calibration
Digitally controlled sample rate
Digitally controlled filtering
Programmable condition monitoring
Auxiliary digital input/output
Digitally activated self-test
Programmable power management
Embedded temperature sensor
SPI-compatible serial interface
Auxiliary 12-bit ADC input and DAC output
Single-supply operation: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
2000 g shock survivability
Guidance and control
Platform control and stabilization
Motion control and analysis
Inertial measurement units
General navigation
Image stabilization
RoboticsFunctional Block Diagram