Analog Devices
The AD9780/AD9781/AD9783 include pin-compatible, high dynamic range, dual digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with 12-/14-/16-bit resolutions, and sample rates of up to 500 MSPS. The devices include specific features for direct conversion transmit applications, including gain and offset compensation, and they interface seamlessly with analog quadrature modulators such as the ADL5370.
A proprietary, dynamic output architecture permits synthesis of analog outputs even above Nyquist by shifting energy away from the fundamental and into the image frequency. Full programmability is provided through a serial peripheral interface (SPI) port. Some pin-programmable features are also offered for those applications without a controller.
High dynamic range, dual DAC parts
Low noise and intermodulation distortion
Single carrier W-CDMA ACLR = 80 dBc @ 61.44 MHz IF
Innovative switching output stage permits usable outputs beyond Nyquist frequency
LVDS inputs with dual-port or optional interleaved single port operation
Differential analog current outputs are programmable from 8.6 mA to 31.7 mA full scale
Auxiliary 10-bit current DACs with source/sink capability for external offset nulling
Internal 1.2 V precision reference voltage source
Operates from 1.8 V and 3.3 V supplies
315 mW power dissipation
Small footprint, RoHS compliant, 72-lead LFCSP
Wireless infrastructure
Wideband communications
LMDS/MMDS, point-to-point
RF signal generators, arbitrary waveform generators