Analog Devices
The AD827 is a dual version of Analog Devices’ industry standard AD847 op amp. Like the AD847, it provides high speed, low power performance at low cost. The AD827 achieves a 300 V/µs slew rate and 50 MHz unity-gain bandwidth while consuming only 100 mW when operating from ±5 volt power supplies. Performance is specified for operation using ±5 V to ±15 V power supplies.
High Speed
50 MHz Unity Gain Stable Operation
300 V/ms Slew Rate
120 ns Settling Time
Drives Unlimited Capacitive Loads
Excellent Video Performance
0.04% Differential Gain @ 4.4 MHz
0.198 Differential Phase @ 4.4 MHz
Good DC Performance
2 mV max Input Offset Voltage
15 mV/8C Input Offset Voltage Drift
Available in Tape and Reel in Accordance with EIA-481A Standard
Low Power
Only 10 mA Total Supply Current for Both Amplifiers
5 V to 15 V Supplies