Analog Devices
The AD8270 is a low distortion, dual-channel amplifier with internal gain setting resistors. With no external components, it can be configured as a high performance difference amplifier with gains of 0.5, 1, or 2. It can also be configured in over 40 singleended configurations, with gains ranging from −2 to +3.
With no external resistors
Difference amplifier: gains of 0.5, 1, or 2
Single ended amplifiers: over 40 different gains
Set reference voltage at midsupply
Excellent ac specifications
15 MHz bandwidth
30 V/μs slew rate
High accuracy dc performance
0.08% maximum gain error
10 ppm/°C maximum gain drift
80 dB minimum CMRR (G = 2)
Two channels in small 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP
Supply current: 2.5 mA per channel
Supply range: ±2.5 V to ±18 V
Instrumentation amplifier building blocks
Level translators
Automatic test equipment
High performance audio
Sine/cosine encoders