Analog Devices
The AD7813 is a high speed, microprocessor-compatible, 8-/10-bit analog-to-digital converter with a maximum throughput of 400 kSPS. The converter operates off a single +2.7 V to +5.5 V supply and contains a 2.3 µs successive approximation A/D converter, track/hold circuitry, on-chip clock oscillator and 8-bit wide parallel interface. The parallel interface is designed to allow easy interfacing to microprocessors and DSPs. The 10-bit conversion result is read by carrying out two 8-bit read operations. The first read operation accesses the 8 MSBs of the ADC conversion result and the second read accesses the 2 LSBs. Using only address decoding logic the AD7813 is easily mapped into the microprocessor address space.
8-/10-Bit ADC with 2.3 μs Conversion Time
On-Chip Track and Hold
Operating Supply Range: +2.7 V to +5.5 V
Specifications at 2.7 V–3.6 V and 5 V ± 10%
8-Bit Parallel Interface
8-Bit + 2-Bit Read
Power Performance
Normal Operation
10.5 mW, VDD = 3 V
Automatic Power-Down
34.6 μW @ 1 kSPS, VDD = 3 V
Analog Input Range: 0 V to VREF
Reference Input Range: 1.2 V to VDD