Analog Devices
The AD7710 is a complete analog front end for low frequency measurement applications. The device accepts low level signals directly from a strain gage or transducer and outputs a serial digital word. It employs a sigma-delta conversion technique to realize up to 24 bits of no missing codes performance. The input signal is applied to a proprietary programmable gain front end
based around an analog modulator. The modulator output is processed by an on-chip digital filter. The first notch of this digital filter can be programmed via the on-chip control register,
allowing adjustment of the filter cutoff and settling time.
Charge Balancing ADC
24 Bits, No Missing Codes
±0.0015% Nonlinearity
2-Channel Programmable Gain Front End
Gains from 1 to 128
Differential Inputs
Low-Pass Filter with Programmable Filter Cutoffs
Ability to Read/Write Calibration Coefficients
Bidirectional Microcontroller Serial Interface
Internal/External Reference Option
Single- or Dual-Supply Operation
Low Power (25 mW Typ) with Power-Down Mode
(7 mW Typ)
Weigh Scales
Process Control
Smart Transmitters