Analog Devices
The AD760 is a complete 16/18-bit self-calibrating monolithic DAC (DACPORT®) with onboard voltage reference, double buffered latches and output amplifier. It is manufactured on Analog Devices’ BiMOS II process. This process allows the fabrication of low power CMOS logic functions on the same chip as high precision bipolar linear circuitry.
±0.2 LSB (±0.00031%) Typ Peak DNL and INL
±0.5 LSB (±0.00076%) Typ Unipolar Offset, Bipolar Zero
17-Bit Monotonicity Guaranteed
18-Bit Resolution (in Serial Mode)
Complete 16/18-Bit D/A Function
On-Chip Output Amplifier
On-Chip Buried Zener Voltage Reference
Microprocessor Compatible
Serial or Byte Input
Double Buffered Latches
Asynchronous Clear Function
Serial Output Pin Facilitates Daisy Chaining
Pin Strappable Unipolar or Bipolar Output
Low THD+N: 0.005%
MUX Output Control on Power-Up and Supply Glitches