Analog Devices
The AD5696 and AD5694, members of the nanoDAC+™ family, are low power, quad, 16-/12-bit buffered voltage output DACs. The devices include a gain select pin giving a full-scale output of 2.5 V (gain = 1) or 5 V (gain = 2). The devices operate from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply, are guaranteed monotonic by design, and exhibit less than 0.1% FSR gain error and 1.5 mV offset error performance. The devices are available in a 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP package and in a TSSOP package.
High relative accuracy (INL): ±2 LSB maximum at 16 bits
Tiny package: 3 mm × 3 mm, 16-lead LFCSP
Total unadjusted error (TUE): ±0.1% of FSR maximum
Offset error: ±1.5 mV maximum
Gain error: ±0.1% of FSR maximum
High drive capability: 20 mA, 0.5 V from supply rails
User-selectable gain of 1 or 2 (GAIN pin)
Reset to zero scale or midscale (RSTSEL pin)
1.8 V logic compatibility
400 kHz I2C-compatible serial interface
4 I2C addresses available
Low glitch: 0.5 nV-sec
Robust 3.5 kV HBM and 1.5 kV FICDM ESD rating
Low power: 1.8 mW at 3 V
2.7 V to 5.5 V power supply
−40°C to +105°C temperature range
Digital gain and offset adjustment
Programmable attenuators
Process control (PLC I/O cards)
Industrial automation
Data acquisition systems