Analog Devices
The AD568 is an ultrahigh-speed, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) settling to 0.025% in 35 ns. The monolithic device is fabricated using Analog Devices’ Complementary Bipolar (CB) Process. This is a proprietary process featuring high-speed NPN and PNP devices on the same chip without the use of dielectric isolation or multichip hybrid techniques. The high speed of the AD568 is maintained by keeping impedance levels low enough to minimize the effects of parasitic circuit capacitances.
Ultrahigh Speed: Current Settling to 1 LSB in 35 ns
High Stability Buried Zener Reference on Chip
Monotonicity Guaranteed Over Temperature
10.24 mA Full-Scale Output Suitable for Video Applications
Integral and Differential Linearity Guaranteed Over Temperature
0.3" “Skinny DIP” Packaging
Variable Threshold Allows TTL and CMOS Interface
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available