Analog Devices
The AD565A and AD566A are fast 12-bit digital-to-analog converters that incorporate the latest advances in analog circuit design to achieve high speeds at low cost.
The AD565A and AD566A use 12 precision, high speed bipolar current-steering switches, a control amplifier, and a laser-trimmed thin-film resistor network to produce a very fast, high accuracy analog output current. The AD565A also includes a buried Zener reference that features low noise, long-term stability, and temperature drift characteristics comparable to the best discrete reference diodes.
Single Chip Construction
Very High Speed Settling to 1/2 LSB
AD565A: 250 ns max
AD566A: 350 ns max
Full-Scale Switching Time: 30 ns
Guaranteed for Operation with ±12 V (565A) Supplies,
with –12 V Supply (AD566A)
Linearity Guaranteed Overtemperature
1/2 LSB max (K, T Grades)
Monotonicity Guaranteed Overtemperature
Low Power: AD566A = 180 mW max;
AD565A = 225 mW max
Use with On-Board High Stability Reference (AD565A)
or with External Reference (AD566A)
Low Cost
MlL-STD-883-Compliant Versions Available
AD566A is obsolete