Analog Devices
The AD5251/AD5252 are dual-channel, I2C, nonvolatile memory, digitally controlled potentiometers with 64/256 positions, respectively. These devices perform the same electronic adjustment functions as mechanical potentiometers, trimmers, and variable resistors. The parts’ versatile programmability allows multiple modes of operation, including read/write access in the RDAC and EEMEM registers, increment/decrement of resistance, resistance changes in ±6 dB scales, wiper setting readback, and extra EEMEM for storing user-defined information such as memory data for other components, look-up table, or system identification information.
AD5251: Dual 64-position resolution
AD5252: Dual 256-position resolution
1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 100 kΩ
Nonvolatile memory1 stores wiper setting w/write protectio
Power-on refreshed with EEMEM settings in 300 µs typ
EEMEM rewrite time = 540 µs typ
Resistance tolerance stored in nonvolatile memory
12 extra bytes in EEMEM for user-defined information
I2C compatible serial interface
Direct read/write access of RDAC2 and EEMEM registers
Predefined linear increment/decrement commands
Predefined ±6 dB step change commands
Synchronous or aysynchronous dual channel update
Wiper setting read back
4 MHz bandwidth—1 kΩ version
Single supply 2.7 V to 5.5 V
Dual supply ±2.25 V to ±2.75 V
2 slave address decoding bits allow operation of 4 devices
100-year typical data retention TA = 55°C
Operating temperature –40°C to +85°C
Mechanical potentiometer replacement
General purpose DAC replacement
LCD panel VCOM adjustment