Analog Devices
The AD5231/AD5232/AD5233 family provides a single-/dual-/quad-channel, digitally controlled variable resistor (VR) with resolutions of 1024/256/64 positions respectively. These devices perform the same electronic adjustment function as a potentiometer or variable resistor. The AD523X’s versatile programming via a Micro Controller allows multiple modes of operation and adjustment.
In the direct program mode a predetermined setting of the RDAC register can be loaded directly from the micro controller. Another key mode of operation allows the RDAC register to be refreshed with the setting previously stored in the EEMEM register. When changes are made to the RDAC register to establish a new wiper position, the value of the setting can be saved into the EEMEM by executing an EEMEM save operation. Once the settings are saved in the EEMEM register these values will be transferred automatically to the RDAC register to set the wiper position at system power ON. Such operation is enabled by the internal preset strobe and the preset can also be accessed externally.
Nonvolatile Memory Preset Maintains Wiper Settings
AD5231 Single, 1024 Position Resolution
AD5232 Dual, 256 Position Resolution
AD5233 Quad, 64 Position Resolution
10K, 50K, 100K Ohm Terminal Resistance
Linear or Log taper Settings
Increment/Decrement Commands, Push Button Command
SPI Compatible Serial Data Input with Readback Function
+3 to +5V Single Supply or ±2.5V Dual Supply Operation
User EEMEM nonvolatile memory for constant storage
Mechanical Potentiometer Replacement
Instrumentation: Gain, Offset Adjustment
Programmable Voltage to Current Conversion
Programmable Filters, Delays, Time Constants
Line Impedance Matching
Power Supply Adjustment
DIP Switch Setting