AMIC Technology
General Description
The AMIC A8351601 is a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller. It is compatible with the industry standard 80C52 microcontroller series.
The A8351601 contains a on chip 256 byte RAM, 64K byte OTP ROM, 8K byte external data SRAM, four 8-bit bidirectional parallel ports, three 16-bit timer/counters, a serial port and six interrupt sources with two priority levels.
The A8351601 has supports 64KB external data memory.
■ 80C32 CPU core
■ Build in 64K byte OTP ROM
■ Build in 8K byte external SRAM (0000H - 1FFFH), can
be disable by SFR
■ Fully pin compatible with standard 8051 family interface
■ Instruction set compatible with 8051 family
■ Option frequency 4.5V-5.5V:0-40MHz, 2.7V-3.3V:0-16MHz
■ Power saving operation:
Idle is compatible with 8051 family
Power down can be wake up by external interrupt
■ Port0~Port3 with internal pull-up
■ Four channel PWM output for PLCC & QFP package
■ Capture function with T2EX reversed mode
■ Operation temperature: -10°C~70°C
■ ESD > 3KV
■ Double frequency selected by SFR