AMIC Technology
General Description
The AMIC A8351601 is a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller. It is compatible with the industry standard 80C52 microcontroller series. The A8351601 contains a on chip 256 byte RAM, 64K byte OTP ROM, 8K byte external data SRAM, four 8-bit bidirectional parallel ports, three 16-bit timer/counters, a serial port and six interrupt sources with two priority levels.
The A8351601 has supports 64KB external data memory.
80C32 CPU core
Build in 64K byte OTP ROM
Build in 8K byte external SRAM (0000H - 1FFFH), can be disable by SFR
Fully pin compatible with standard 8051 family interface
Instruction set compatible with 8051 family
Option frequency 4.5V-5.5V:0-40MHz, 2.7V-3.3V:0-16MHz
Power saving operation:
Idle is compatible with 8051 family
Power down can be wake up by external interrupt
Port0~Port3 with internal pull-up
Four channel PWM output for PLCC & QFP package
Capture function with T2EX reversed mode
Operation temperature: -10°C~70°C
Double frequency selected by SFR