The Intel386 DX Microprocessor is an entry-level 32-bit microprocessor designed for single-user applications and operating systems such as MS-DOS and Windows. The 32-bit registers and data paths support 32-bit addresses and data types. The processor addresses up to four gigabytes of physical memory and 64 terabytes (2**46) of virtual memory. The integrated memory management and protection architecture includes address translation registers, multitasking hardware and a protection mechanism to support operating systems. Instruction pipelining, on-chip address translation, ensure short average instruction execution times and maximum system throughput.
■ Flexible 32-Bit Microprocessor
— 8, 16, 32-Bit Data Types
— 8 General Purpose 32-Bit Registers
■ Very Large Address Space
— 4 Gigabyte Physical
— 64 Terabyte Virtual
— 4 Gigabyte Maximum Segment Size
■ Integrated Memory Management Unit
— Virtual Memory Support
— Optional On-Chip Paging
— 4 Levels of Protection
— Fully Compatible with 80286
■ Object Code Compatible with All 8086 Family Microprocessors
■ Virtual 8086 Mode Allows Running of 8086 Software in a Protected and Paged System
■ Hardware Debugging Support
■ Optimized for System Performance
— Pipelined Instruction Execution
— On-Chip Address Translation Caches
— 20, 25 and 33 MHz Clock
— 40, 50 and 66 Megabytes/Sec Bus Bandwidth
■ Numerics Support via Intel387TM DX Math Coprocessor
■ Complete System Development Support
— Software: C, PL/M, Assembler System Generation Tools
— Debuggers: PSCOPE, ICETM-386
■ High Speed CHMOS IV Technology
■ 132 Pin Grid Array Package
■ 132 Pin Plastic Quad Flat Package
(See Packaging Specification, Order Ý231369)