Maxwell Technologies’ 7672 high-speed 12-bit analog-to digital converter microcircuit features a greater than 100 krad (Si) total dose tolerance, depending upon space mission. The 7672 uses an accurate high-speed DAC and comparator to achieve conversion time as low as 5 µs while dissipating only 110 mW of power. The 7672 is designed to be used with an external reference voltage. This allows the user to choose a reference whose performance suits the application or to drive multiple 7672s from a single system reference, since the reference input is buffered and draws very little current. For digital signal processing applications where absolute accuracy and temperature coefficients may be unimportant, a low cost reference can be used. For optimal precision, a high accuracy reference where an absolute 12-bit accuracy can be obtained over a wide temperature range may be used. Analog input range is pin-selectable for 0 to +5V, 0 to +10V, or ±5V, making the ADC ideal for data acquisition and analog input/output cards. A high-speed digital interface (125 ns data access time) with three state data outputs is compatible with most microprocessors.
Maxwell Technologies patented RAD-PAK® packaging technology incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit package. It eliminates the need for box shielding while providing the required radiation shielding for a lifetime in orbit or space mission. In a GEO orbit, RAD-PAK provides greater than 100 krad (Si) radiation dose tolerance. This product is available with screening up to Class S.
• 12-bit high speed A/D converter
• RAD-PAK® radiation-hardened against natural space radiation
• Total dose hardness:
- > 100 krad (Si), depending upon space mission
• Excellent Single Event Effect
- SEL > 120 Mev/mg/cm2
- SEUTH > 5.8 Mev/mg/cm2
- SEUSat = -1E-4 cm2/Device
• Package:
- 24 pin RAD-PAK® flat package
- 24 pin RAD-PAK® DIP
• Fast conversion times:
- 7672-05: 5 µs
- 7672-10: 10 µs
• Low 110 mW typical power consumption
- Corrects all single-bit errors
- Detects all double and some triple-bit errors
• High-speed BiCMOS technology
- Choice of +5V and +10V input ranges
- Operates with +5V and -12V power supplies
- Fast 125 ns bus-access time