Aeroflex UTMC
The UT67164 SRAM is a high performance, asynchronous, radiation-hardened, 8K x 8 random access memory conforming to industry-standard fit, form, and function. The UT67164 SRAM features fully static operation requiring no external clocks or timing strobes. UTMC designed and implemented the UT67164 using an advanced radiationhardened twin-well CMOS process. Advanced CMOS processing along with a device enable/disable function result in a high performance, power-saving SRAM. The combination of radiation-hardness, fast access time, and low power consumption make UT67164 ideal for high-speed systems designed for operation in radiation environments.
❐ 55ns maximum address access time, single-event upset less than 1.0E-10 errors//bit day (-55oC to 125+oC)
❐ Asynchronous operation for compatibility with industrystandard 8K x 8 SRAM
❐ TTL-compatible input and output levels
❐ Three-state bidirectional data bus
❐ Low operating and standby current
❐ Full military operating temperature range, -55oC to 125+oC, screened to specific test methods listed in Table I MIL-STD- 883 Method 5004 for Class S or Class B
❐ Radiation-hardened process and design; total dose irradiation testing to MIL-STD-883 Method 1019
- Total-dose: 1.0E6 rads(Si)
- Dose rate upset: 1.0E9 rads (Si)/sec
- Dose rate survival: 1.0E12 rads (Si)/sec
- Single-event upset: <1.0E-10 errors/bit-day
❐ Industry standard (JEDEC) 64K SRAM pinout
❐ Packaging options:
- 28-pin 100-mil center DIP (.600 x 1.2)
- 28-pin 50-mil center flatpack (.700 x .75)
❐ 5-volt operation
❐ Post-radiation AC/DC performance characteristics guaranteed by MIL-STD-883 Method 1019 testing at 1.0E6 rads(Si)