Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package.
Complementary to 2SA966 And 3 watts output applications.
Audio frequency power amplifier applications.
Part Name
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92LM Plastic Package
Foshan Blue Rocket Electronics Co.,Ltd.