Microsemi Corporation
The 1N4099UR thru 1N4135UR and 1N4614UR thru 1N4627UR series of 0.5 watt glass surface mount DO-213AA Zener voltage regulators provides a selection from 1.8 to 100 volts instandard 5% tolerances as well as tighter tolerancesidentified by different suffix letters on the part number.
These arealso availablewithaninternal-metallurgical-bond option by addinga “-1” suffix (see separate data sheet) including JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV military qualifications. Microsemi also offers numerous other Zener products to meet higher and lower powerapplications.
• Surface mount equivalent to JEDEC registered 1N4099 thru 1N4135and 1N4614 thru1N4627series
• Internal metallurgical bond option available by adding a “-1” suffix that also includes JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV qualifications per MIL-PRF-19500/435 (seeseparate data sheet for same part numbers with “-1” suffix)
• DO-7 or DO-35glass body axial-leaded Zener equivalents alsoavailable per JEDEC registration (see separate data sheet for part numbers 1N4099 thru 1N4135 and 1N4614 thru 1N4627 series