description/ordering information
The TL05x series of JFET-input operational amplifiers offers improved dc and ac characteristics over the TL07x and TL08x families of BiFET operational amplifiers. On-chip Zener trimming of offset voltage yields precision grades as low as 1.5 mV (TL051A) for greater accuracy in dc-coupled applications. Texas Instruments improved BiFET process and optimized designs also yield improved bandwidth and slew rate without increased power consumption. The TL05x devices are pin-compatible with the TL07x and TL08x and can be used to upgrade existing circuits or for optimal performance in new designs.
● Direct Upgrades to TL07x and TL08x BiFET Operational Amplifiers
● Faster Slew Rate (20 V/µs Typ) Without Increased Power Consumption
● On-Chip Offset-Voltage Trimming for Improved DC Performance and
Precision Grades Are Available (1.5 mV, TL051A)