SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (see Functional Diagram)
If a heat source moves in front of the IR-detector,
the sensor delivers a quasi sinusoidal AC-signal
in the µV to mV range. The operational amplifier
amplifies the sensor signal by 72dB.
To reject an unwanted signal, a band pass filter is
needed. If the AC-level at pin 14 exceeds the win-
dow comparator thresholds, the programmable
timer will start. To suppress short sensor signals,
a 50ms time filter is implemented between the
window comparator output and the programmable
timer. This function improves the noise immunity.
After the reset of the timer a second timer will pro-
vide a 600ms dead time to prevent retriggering of
the timer. This function avoids restarting of the
timer, when the turned off lamp temperature. de-
The lamp switched by the triac can be located
close to the sensor.
To avoid circuit operation during day-time, a
photo resistor (LDR) senses the light intensity and
switches off the circuit. The capacitor at pin 2 pre-
vents circuit start-up during short shadow phases,
when a person passes by the sensor.
From the analog input pin 1 via the AD-converter
the on-time duration can be programmed in 7
Figure 4
steps (see tTIM table in the electical charac-
teristics). The timer is clocked by the mains fre-
Two outputs for various applications are avail-
Pin 5 is the trigger output for triac gate.
Pin 4 output can be used to switch a relay or
other loads.
The zero crossing detector provides the firing
pulse for the triac at the right time, shortly after
the zero crossing of the AC-signal.
The RC-network at pin 7 supplies current to the
circuit via a double wave rectification which is pro-
vided by a split power supply. Due to the capaci-
tive energy transfer into pin 7, the circuit will also
be supplied with current if the triac is fired. A short
wire for circuit supply is not needed.
The circuit works similar to a simple two-terminal
switch and can be installed in parallel with ordi-
nary mechanical pulse switches (fig. 4).
After a short supply connection via an external
pulse switch, the circuit timer will also start with-
out a sensor signal.
Therefore the circuit can also be used as an ordi-
nary light timer without the IR-moving sensor fea-
Figure 5: Different Possible Filter Solutions