SPICE Device Model Si4465ADY
Vishay Siliconix
P-Channel 1.8-V (G-S) MOSFET
• P-Channel Vertical DMOS
• Macro Model (Subcircuit Model)
• Level 3 MOS
• Apply for both Linear and Switching Application
• Accurate over the −55 to 125°C Temperature Range
• Model the Gate Charge, Transient, and Diode Reverse Recovery
The attached spice model describes the typical electrical
characteristics of the p-channel vertical DMOS. The subcircuit
model is extracted and optimized over the −55 to 125°C
temperature ranges under the pulsed 0-V to 5-V gate drive. The
saturated output impedance is best fit at the gate bias near the
threshold voltage.
A novel gate-to-drain feedback capacitance network is used to model
the gate charge characteristics while avoiding convergence difficulties
of the switched Cgd model. All model parameter values are optimized
to provide a best fit to the measured electrical data and are not
intended as an exact physical interpretation of the device.
This document is intended as a SPICE modeling guideline and does not constitute a commercial product data sheet. Designers should refer to the appropriate
data sheet of the same number for guaranteed specification limits.
Document Number: 74212
S-61686Rev. A, 01-Jan-07