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ISL29020IROZ-EVALZ View Datasheet(PDF) - Renesas Electronics

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ISL29020IROZ-EVALZ Datasheet PDF : 11 Pages
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Pin Descriptions
Positive supply; connect this pin to a 2.25V to 3.3V supply.
Ground pin.
External resistor pin for ADC reference; connect this pin to ground through a (nominal) 500kresistor.
Bit 0 of I2C address; ground or tie this pin to VDD. No floating.
I2C serial clock
I2C serial data
The I2C bus lines can be pulled from 1.7V to above VDD, 3.6V max.
Principles of Operation
Photodiodes and ADC
The ISL29020 contains two photodiode arrays which convert
light into current. The spectral response for ambient light
sensing and IR sensing is shown in Figure 8 in the “Typical
Performance Curves” on page 9. After light is converted to
current during the light signal process, the current output is
converted to digital by a single built-in 16-bit Analog-to-Digital
Converter (ADC). An I2C command reads the ambient light or IR
intensity in counts.
The converter is a charge-balancing integrating type 16-bit ADC.
The chosen method for conversion is best for converting small
current signals in the presence of an AC periodic noise. A 100ms
integration time, for instance, highly rejects 50Hz and 60Hz power
line noise simultaneously. See “Integration Time or Conversion
Time” on page 6 and “Noise Rejection” on page 7.
The built-in ADC offers user flexibility in integration time or
conversion time. There are two timing modes: Internal Timing
Mode and External Timing Mode. In Internal Timing Mode,
integration time is determined by an internal oscillator (fOSC), and
the n-bit (n = 4, 8, 12,16) counter inside the ADC. In External
Timing Mode, integration time is determined by the time between
two consecutive I2C External Timing Mode commands. See
“External Timing Mode” on page 6. A good balancing act of
integration time and resolution depending on the application is
required for optimal results.
The ADC has I2C programmable ranges to dynamically
accommodate various lighting conditions. For very dim
conditions, the ADC can be configured at its lower range
(Range 1). For bright conditions, the ADC can be configured at
its higher range (Range 2).
I2C Interface
There are three 8-bit registers available inside the ISL29020.
The command register defines the operation of the device. The
command register does not change until the register is
overwritten. The two data registers are Read-Only for 16-bit
ADC output or timer output. The data registers contain the
ADC's or timer’s latest digital output.
The ISL29020’s I2C interface slave address can be selected as
1000100 or 1000101 by connecting A0 pin to GND or VDD,
respectively. When 1000100x or 1000101x with x as R or W is
sent after the Start condition, this device compares the first
seven bits of this byte to its address and matches.
Figure 1 shows a sample one-byte read. Figure 2 shows a
sample one-byte write. Figure 3 shows a sync_I2C timing
diagram sample for externally controlled integration time. The
I2C bus master always drives the SCL (clock) line, while either
the master or the slave can drive the SDA (data) line. Every I2C
transaction begins with the master asserting a start condition
(SDA falling while SCL remains high). The following byte is
driven by the master, and includes the slave address and
read/write bit. The receiving device is responsible for pulling
SDA low during the acknowledgement period. Every I2C
transaction ends with the master asserting a stop condition
(SDA rising while SCL remains high).
For more information about the I2C standard, please consult
the Philips® I2C specification documents.
Low-Power Operation
The ISL29020 initial operation is at the power-down mode after
a supply voltage is provided. The data registers contain the
default value of 0. When the ISL29020 receives an I2C
command to do a one-time measurement from an I2C master,
it will start light sensing and ADC conversion. It will go to the
power-down mode automatically after one conversion is
finished and keep the conversion data available for the master
to fetch anytime afterwards. The ISL29020 will continuously do
light sensing and ADC conversion if it receives an I2C
command of continuous measurement. It will continuously
update the data registers with the latest conversion data. It will
go to the power-down mode after it receives the I2C command
of power-down.
FN6505 Rev 1.00
August 20, 2009
Page 3 of 11

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