1.2 Document Revision History
1) 100Ω/60Ω termination reversed in Internal Rx Termination Select tables, 091799.
2) Add DS21Q48 pinout, 092899.
3) Correct VSM pin number in Q48 (12 x 12 BGA) from G5 to G4, 120699.
4) Add timing diagram for Status Register (write access mode); Add mechanical dimensions for the
quad version, 032900.
5) Timing diagram for Status Register (write access mode) added; elaboration on burst mode bit; add
mechanical dimensions for the quad version, 050300.
6) Changes to datasheet to indicate 5V only part, 011801.
7) Added supply current measurement; added thermal characteristics of quad package, 092001.
8) Corrected typos and removed instances of 3V operation, 082504.
9) In Absolute Maximum Ratings, changed the spec for soldering temperature from IPC/JEDEC J-STD-
020A to J-STD-020; defined the storage temperature range as –55°C to +125°C.
10) Added lead-free packages to Ordering Information table on page 1; updated style of data sheet,
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