High-Voltage, Fault-Protected
Analog Multiplexers
to-source voltage. The P-channel device (Q2), howev-
er, has +60V VGS and is turned off, thereby preventing
the input signal from reaching the output. If the input
voltage is +60V, Q1 has a negative VGS, which turns it
off. Similarly, only sub-microamp leakage currents can
flow from the output back to the input, since any volt-
age will turn off either Q1 or Q2.
Figure 9 shows the condition of an OFF channel with
V+ and V- present. As with Figures 7 and 8, either an
N-channel or a P-channel device will be off for any
input voltage from -60V to +60V. The leakage current
with negative overvoltages will immediately drop to a
few nanoamps at +25°C. For positive overvoltages,
that fault current will initially be 40µA or 50µA, decaying
over a few seconds to the nanoamp level. The time
constant of this decay is caused by the discharge of
stored charge from internal nodes, and does not com-
promise the fault-protection scheme.
Figure 10 shows the condition of the ON channel with
V+ and V- present. With input voltages less than ±10V,
all three FETs are on and the input signal appears at the
output. If the input voltage exceeds V+ minus the N-
channel threshold voltage (VTN), then the N-channel
FET will turn off. For voltages more negative than V-
minus the P-channel threshold (VTP), the P-channel
device will turn off. Since VTN is typically 1.5V and VTP
is typically 3V, the multiplexer’s output swing is limited
to about -12V to +13.5V with ±15V supplies.
The Typical Operating Characteristics graphs show typi-
cal leakage vs. input voltage curves. Although the max-
imum rated input of these devices is ±65V, the
MAX378/MAX379 typically have excellent performance
up to ±75V, providing additional margin for the unknown
transients that exist in the real world. In summary, the
MAX378/MAX379 provide superior protection from all
fault conditions while using a standard, readily pro-
duced junction-isolated CMOS process.
Switching Characteristics
and Charge Injection
Table 1 shows typical charge-injection levels vs.
power-supply voltages and analog input voltage. Note
that since the channels are well matched, the differen-
tial charge injection for the MAX379 is typically less
than 5pC. The charge injection that occurs during
switching creates a voltage transient whose magnitude
is inversely proportional to the capacitance on the mul-
tiplexer output.
The channel-to-channel switching time is typically 600ns,
with about 200ns of break-before-make delay. This 200ns
break-before-make delay prevents the input-to-input short
that would occur if two input channels were simultaneous-
ly connected to the output. In a typical data acquisition
system, such as in Figure 6, the dominant delay is not the
switching time of the MAX378 multiplexer, but is the set-
tling time of the following amplifiers and S/H. Another limit-
ing factor is the RC time constant of the multiplexer
RDS(ON) plus the signal source impedance multiplied by
the load capacitance on the output of the multiplexer.
Even with low signal source impedances, 100pF of capac-
itance on the multiplexer output will approximately double
the settling time to 0.01% accuracy.
Operation with Supply Voltage
Other than ±15V
The main effect of supply voltages other than ±15V is
the reduction in output signal range. The MAX378 limits
the output voltage to about 1.5V below V+ and about 3V
above V-. In other words, the output swing is limited to
+3.5V to -2V when operating from ±5V. The Typical
Operating Characteristics graphs show typical RDS(ON),
for ±15V, ±10V, and ±5V power supplies. Maxim tests
and guarantees the MAX378/MAX379 for operation from
±4.5V to ±18V supplies. The switching delays are
increased by about a factor of 2 at ±5V, but break-
before-make action is preserved.
The MAX378/MAX379 can be operated with a single +9V
to +22V supply, as well as asymmetrical power supplies
such as +15V and -5V. The digital threshold will remain
approximately 1.6V above GND and the analog character-
istics such as RDS(ON) are determined by the total voltage
difference between V+ and V-. Connect V- to 0V when
operating with a +9V to +22V single supply.
This means that the MAX378/MAX379 will operate with
standard TTL-logic levels, even with ±5V power sup-
plies. In all cases, the threshold of the EN pin is the
same as the other logic inputs.
Table 1a. MAX378 Charge Injection
Supply Voltage
Analog Input Level
Injected Charge
Test Conditions: CL = 1000pF on multiplexer output; the tabu-
lated analog input level is applied to channel 1; channels 2
through 8 are open circuited. EN = +5V, A1 = A2 = 0V, A0 is
toggled at 2kHz rate between 0V and 3V. +100pC of charge
creates a +100mV step when injected into a 1000pF load
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