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XP1014-BD View Datasheet(PDF) - Mimix Broadband

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Mimix Broadband 
XP1014-BD Datasheet PDF : 5 Pages
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8.5-11.0 GHz GaAs MMIC
Power Amplifier
August 2007 - Rev 03-Aug-07
Handling and Assembly Information
CAUTION! - Mimix Broadband MMIC Products contain gallium arsenide (GaAs) which can be hazardous to the human body
and the environment. For safety, observe the following procedures:
• Do not ingest.
• Do not alter the form of this product into a gas, powder, or liquid through burning, crushing, or chemical processing as these
by-products are dangerous to the human body if inhaled, ingested, or swallowed.
• Observe government laws and company regulations when discarding this product.This product must be discarded in
accordance with methods specified by applicable hazardous waste procedures.
Life Support Policy - Mimix Broadband's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or
systems without the express written approval of the President and General Counsel of Mimix Broadband. As used herein:
(1) Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or
(b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided
in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. (2) A critical component is any
component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the
life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
ESD - Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) devices are susceptible to electrostatic and mechanical damage. Die are supplied in antistatic
containers, which should be opened in cleanroom conditions at an appropriately grounded anti-static workstation. Devices
need careful handling using correctly designed collets, vacuum pickups or, with care, sharp tweezers.
Die Attachment - GaAs Products from Mimix Broadband are 0.100 mm (0.004") thick and have vias through to the backside to
enable grounding to the circuit. Microstrip substrates should be brought as close to the die as possible.The mounting surface
should be clean and flat. If using conductive epoxy, recommended epoxies are Tanaka TS3332LD, Die Mat DM6030HK or
DM6030HK-Pt cured in a nitrogen atmosphere per manufacturer's cure schedule. Apply epoxy sparingly to avoid getting any
on to the top surface of the die. An epoxy fillet should be visible around the total die periphery. For additional information
please see the Mimix "Epoxy Specifications for Bare Die" application note. If eutectic mounting is preferred, then a fluxless
gold-tin (AuSn) preform, approximately 0.0012 thick, placed between the die and the attachment surface should be used. A die
bonder that utilizes a heated collet and provides scrubbing action to ensure total wetting to prevent void formation in a
nitrogen atmosphere is recommended. The gold-tin eutectic (80% Au 20% Sn) has a melting point of approximately 280 ºC
(Note: Gold Germanium should be avoided). The work station temperature should be 310 ºC +/- 10 ºC. Exposure to these
extreme temperatures should be kept to minimum. The collet should be heated, and the die pre-heated to avoid excessive
thermal shock. Avoidance of air bridges and force impact are critical during placement.
Wire Bonding - Windows in the surface passivation above the bond pads are provided to allow wire bonding to the die's gold
bond pads. The recommended wire bonding procedure uses 0.076 mm x 0.013 mm (0.003" x 0.0005") 99.99% pure gold
ribbon with 0.5-2% elongation to minimize RF port bond inductance. Gold 0.025 mm (0.001") diameter wedge or ball bonds
are acceptable for DC Bias connections. Aluminum wire should be avoided. Thermo-compression bonding is recommended
though thermosonic bonding may be used providing the ultrasonic content of the bond is minimized. Bond force, time and
ultrasonics are all critical parameters. Bonds should be made from the bond pads on the die to the package or substrate. All
bonds should be as short as possible.
Ordering Information
Part Number for Ordering
Where “V” is RoHS compliant die packed in vacuum release gel paks
XP1014 die evaluation module
Mimix Asia, Inc. (a subsidiary of Mimix Broadband, Inc.)
3F, 3-2 Industry East IX Road, Science-Based Industrial Park • Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C
Tel +886-3-567-9680 • Fax +886-3-567-9433 •
Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2007 Mimix Broadband, Inc.
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