Wideband, High-Speed Operational Amplifier
I -3dB bandwidth of 85MHz
I 3000V/µsec slew rate
I 4ns rise and fall time
I 100mA output current
I Low distortion, linear phase
I Digital communications
I Baseband and video communications
I Instrument input/output amplifiers
I Fast A to D, D to A conversion
I Graphic CRT video drive amp
I Coaxial cable line driver
V+ 6
V- 8
16 +VCC
12 Vo
11 Rf
KH300 Equivalent Circuit Diagram
Pin 11 provides access to a 1500Ω feedback
resistor which can be connected to the out-
put or left open if an external feedback
resistor is desired. All undesignated pins are
internally unconnected.
General Description
The KH300 operational amplifier is a current feed-
back amplifier that provides a DC-85MHz -3dB band-
width that is virtually independent of gain setting.
Rise and fall times of 4ns and drive capability of
22Vpp and 100mA add to the KH300’s impressive
Using the KH300 is as easy as adding power supplies
and a gain-setting resistor. Unlike conventional op
amp designs in which optimum gain-bandwidth
product occurs at a high gain, minimum settling time
at a gain of -1, maximum slew rate at a gain of +1,
et cetera, the KH300 offers consistent performance
at gain settings from 1 to 40 inverting or non-inverting.
As a result, designing with the KH300 is greatly
simplified. And since no external compensation is
necessary, “tweeks” on the production line have been
eliminated, making the KH300 an efficient
component for use in production situations.
Flat gain and phase response from DC to 45MHz and
superior rise and fall times make the KH300 an ideal
amplifier for a broad range of pulse, analog, and
digital applications. A 45MHz full power bandwidth
(20Vpp into 100Ω) and 3000V/µsec slew rate eliminate
the need for power buffers in many applications
such as driving “flash” A to D converters or line-
driving. For applications requiring lower power
consumption, the KH300 can operate on supplies as
low as ±5V. Fast overload recovery (20ns) helps
prevent loss of data in communications applications
and flat phase response reduces distortion, even when
data must be sent over extended lengths of line.
The KH300A is packaged in a side-brazed 24-pin
ceramic DIP and is specified at 25°C.
REV. 1A January 2004