NXP Semiconductors
3.3 V/5.0 V Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
6.3.4 Receiver FIFO
The Rx FIFO consists of a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) stack with a capacity of 8 or 16
characters. Data is loaded from the receive shift register into the topmost empty position
of the FIFO. The RxRDY bit in the status register is set whenever one or more characters
are available to be read, and a FFULL status bit is set if all 8 or 16 stack positions are filled
with data. Either of these bits can be selected to cause an interrupt. A read of the Rx FIFO
outputs the data at the top of the FIFO. After the read cycle, the data FIFO and its
associated status bits (see Section 6.3.5) are popped thus emptying a FIFO position for
new data.
A disabled receiver with data in its FIFO may generate an interrupt (see Section 6.3.5). Its
status bits remain active and its watchdog, if enabled, will continue to operate.
6.3.5 Receiver status bits
In addition to the data word, three status bits (parity error, framing error and received
break) are also appended to each data character in the FIFO. The overrun error, MR1[5],
is not FIFOed.
Status can be provided in two ways, as programmed by the error mode control bit in the
mode register. In the character mode, status is provided on a character-by-character
basis; the status applies only to the character at the top of the FIFO. In the block mode,
the status provided in the SR for these three bits is the logic OR of the status for all
characters coming to the top of the FIFO since the last reset error from the command
register was issued. In either mode reading the SR does not affect the FIFO. The FIFO is
popped only when the Rx FIFO is read. Therefore the status register should be read prior
to reading the FIFO.
If the FIFO is full when a new character is received, that character is held in the receive
shift register until a FIFO position is available. If an additional character is received while
this state exits, the contents of the FIFO are not affected; the character previously in the
shift register is lost and the overrun error status bit (SR[4]) will be set upon receipt of the
start bit of the new (overrunning) character.
The receiver can control the deactivation of RTS. If programmed to operate in this mode,
the RTSN output will be negated when a valid start bit was received and the FIFO is full.
When a FIFO position becomes available, the RTSN output will be reasserted (set LOW)
automatically. This feature can be used to prevent an overrun, in the receiver, by
connecting the RTSN output to the CTSN input of the transmitting device.
If the receiver is disabled, the FIFO characters can be read. However, no additional
characters can be received until the receiver is enabled again. If the receiver is reset, the
FIFO and all of the receiver status, and the corresponding output ports and interrupt are
reset. No additional characters can be received until the receiver is enabled again.
6.3.6 Receiver reset and disable
Receiver disable stops the receiver immediately. Data being assembled in the receiver
shift register is lost. Data and status in the FIFO is preserved and may be read. A
re-enable of the receiver after a disable will cause the receiver to begin assembling
characters at the next start bit detected.
Product data sheet
Rev. 07 — 19 December 2007
© NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved.
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