14. Valid at +25°C only.
15. Absolute linearity is used to compare measured wiper voltage versus expected wiper voltage as
determined by wiper position. The DS1809 is specified to provide a absolute linearity of ±0.60 LSB.
16. Relative linearity is used to determine the change in voltage between successive tap positions. The
DS1809 is specified to provide a relative linearity specification of ±0.25 LSB.
17. -3 dB cutoff frequency characteristics for the DS1809 depend on the potentiometer’s total resistance.
DS1809-010: 1MHz; DS1809-050: 200kHz; and the DS1809-100: 100kHz.
18. Current leakage on the input control storage pin will require a typical 5µA and maximum 8µA to
implement the auto-storage feature.
19. A minimum time of 4ms between 2.2V and 1.7V is required on the input to the STR terminal when
using the part in the auto-storage configuration. The 2.2V to 1.7V range is a worst case condition for
meeting the power-down storage requirements of the part.
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