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Q67006-A9360 View Datasheet(PDF) - Infineon Technologies

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Infineon Technologies 
Q67006-A9360 Datasheet PDF : 18 Pages
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TLE 4270
Design Notes for External Components
An input capacitor CI is necessary for compensation of line influences. The resonant
circuit consisting of lead inductance and input capacitance can be damped by a resistor
of approx. 1 in series with CI. An output capacitor CQ is necessary for the stability of
the regulating circuit. Stability is guaranteed at values of CQ 22 µF and an ESR of
< 3 .
Reset Circuitry
If the output voltage decreases below 4.5 V, an external capacitor CD on pin 4 (D) will be
discharged by the reset generator. If the voltage on this capacitor drops below VDRL, a
reset signal is generated on pin 2 (RO), i.e. reset output is set low. If the output voltage
rises above the reset threshold, CD will be charged with constant current. After the
power-on-reset time the voltage on the capacitor reaches VDU and the reset output will
be set high again. The value of the power-on-reset time can be set within a wide range
depending of the capacitance of CD.
Reset Timing
The power-on reset delay time is defined by the charging time of an external capacitor
Cd which can be calculated as follows:
Cd = (td × Id)/V
Definitions: Cd = delay capacitor
td = reset delay time
Id = charge current, typical 5 mA
V = VDU, typical 1.9 V
VDU = upper delay switching threshold at Cd for reset delay time
td = V × CD/ID
The reset reaction time trr is the time it takes the voltage regulator to set the reset out
LOW after the output voltage has dropped below the reset threshold. It is typically 1 µs
for delay capacitor of 47 nF. For other values for Cd the reaction time can be estimated
using the following equation:
trr 20 s/F × Cd
Data Sheet Version 1.1

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