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CS62180B-IL View Datasheet(PDF) - Cirrus Logic

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Cirrus Logic 
CS62180B-IL Datasheet PDF : 50 Pages
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The CS62180B is a monolithic CMOS circuit
that encodes and decodes T1 (1.544 MHz) digi-
tal transmission formats for SF(D4®) (193S: 12
frames per superframe), ESF (193E: 24
frames per superframe), SLC-96®
(SLC96: 72 frames per superframe) and
DDS® T1DM (T1DM: 12 frames per superframe
plus unique channel number 24) framing formats.
The CS62180B provides
full support for individual clear channels, bit-
robbed signaling, alarm detection and generation,
zero suppression, and idle channels. An overview
of the 193S, 193E, SLC-96® and T1DM framing
formats is provided in the Applications Section.
The device provides independent transmit and
receive sides, with a shared serial controller in-
terface for use with a host processor. A hardware
mode is also available for operation independent
of a host controller. The SLC-96® and T1DM
formats can be selected only via the CS62180B
serial controller interface.
The serial interface provides access to 16 on-
chip control and status registers. The control
registers are used to configure global parameters
such as the framing format and zero suppression
mode, as well as transmitter or receiver specific
parameters. A hardware interrupt is provided,
which can be configured via interrupt mask and
status registers to signal any combination of
alarm conditions.
Transmitter commands include enabling external
framing bit, CRC, or S-bit insertion, declaring
individual DS0 channels clear and/or idle, and
enabling yellow and blue alarm modes in differ-
ent formats. The receiver can be configured to
replace individual incoming channels with idle
or digital milliwatt (µ-LAW) codes, and a large
variety of resync options are provided. Bipolar
violations, CRC and framing errors are automat-
ically counted in another set of registers which
can be arbitrarily reset via the serial interface to
provide variable saturation points. The Receive
Status Register (RSR) provides data on all error
and alarm conditions, and in conjunction with
the Receive Interrupt Mask Register (RIMR),
can be configured to signal an interrupt on INT
in response to any alarm condition.
Note: there are two different naming conventions
in practice concerning the numbering of bits
within a word. The most common convention in
EE and Computer Science is to number the bits
as 0 - 7, starting from the LSB. This is the con-
vention used throughout this data sheet when
referring to register bits. A different convention
is used in the telecom literature when referring
to the bits in a digital transmission stream. In
this case, they are numbered 1 - 8, starting from
the MSB. This convention is maintained in this
data sheet whenever referring to the bits of a
DS0 channel word.
Enhancements made in the CS62180B include
the following. The SLC-96® and DDS® T1DM
framing formats are supported in host mode. The
AIS (Blue Code) detection is made compatible
with TR-TSY-000191 requirements (unframed all
ones), and a received-blue-alarm output pin is
added to the PLCC package. The Receive Carrier
Loss detection criteria is made compatible with
the industry standard requirement of 175 ±75 ze-
ros. The receiver line code decoder is now
universal. The decoder will automatically decode
either AMI or B8ZS. The CS62180B B8ZS con-
trol option controls only the transmitter’s
encoder. The universal decoder simplifies the
provisioning of B8ZS in the network. Lastly, the
serial control interface was simplified. When
writing data bytes on SDI, it is no longer neces-
sary to have SDI valid for both the rising and
falling edges of SCLK. Rather, SDI need be sta-
ble only on the rising edge of SCLK.

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