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JANTX2N6786, JANTXV2N6786 Device
Repetitive Rating; Pulse width limited by
maximum junction temperature.
(see figure 11)
@ VDD = 50V, Starting TJ = 25°C,
EAS = [0.5 * L * (IL2) * [BVDSS/(BVDSS-VDD)]
Peak IL = 1.25A, VGS = 10V, 25 ≤ RG ≤ 200Ω
ISD ≤ 1.25A, di/dt ≤ 40A/µs,
VDD ≤ BVDSS, TJ ≤ 150°C
Pulse width ≤ 300 µs; Duty Cycle ≤ 2%
K/W = °C/W
W/K = W/°C
Case Outline and Dimensions — TO-205AF (Modified TO-39)
All dimensions are shown millimeters (inches)
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IR SOUTHEAST ASIA: 315 Outram Road, #10-02 Tan Boon Liat Building, Singapore 0316 Tel: 65 221 8371
Data and specifications subject to change without notice.10/96
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