Notes:3 list of Parts of Attenuator controller
Recommend Value
Cin C7,C8,C17,C1 100nF~1µF
Rin R4,R5,R11,R125.1k~51kΩ
Co C4,C5,C20,C2 0.05µF~1µF
Ccp C2,C22
Cct C5
The input capacitor forms HPF with Rin.
V-I converter,which depends on sensitivity of each level detectors and noise
detector. Smaller value lower detection level. Larger value raise detection level.
Input voltage should be less than 100mA(200µΑ @25oC).
The capacitor keeps voltage level.Larger value extends swicthing time.Smaller
value shortens swicthing time, and deteriorate rectification property that adverse
affects back ground noise monitor on low frequency signal.
The capacitor judges whether the signal is noise.Larger value extends the judging
time.Smaller value shortens the judging time.
The capacitor generates the voltage controlling attenuater. Larger value extends
attenuating time on switching and idle mode.Smaller value shortens the
attenuating time.Please be careful of conduction caused by condensation due to
this terminal is high impedance.Attenuater gain may be fluctuant .
The specifications on this databook are only
given for information , without any guarantee
as regards either mistakes or omissions. The
application circuits in this databook are
described only to show representative usages
of the product and not intended for the
guarantee or permission of any right including
the industrial rights.
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