Table 13. Memory Bit Descriptions (continued)
Mask Cell x Interrupts
x = 1..12 0 = enable interrupts for cell ‘x’ (default)
1 = turn off interrupts and clear flags for cell ‘x’
Cell x Voltage*
x = 1..12 12-bit ADC measurement value for cell ‘x’
cell voltage for cell ‘x’ = (CxV – 512) • 1.5mV
reads as 0xFFF while A/D conversion in progress
CxUV Cell x Undervoltage Flag
x = 1..12 cell voltage compared to VUV comparison voltage
0 = cell ‘x’ not flagged for undervoltage condition; 1 = cell ‘x’ flagged
CxOV Cell x Overvoltage Flag
x = 1..12 cell voltage compared to VOV comparison voltage
0 = cell ‘x’ not flagged for overvoltage condition; 1 = cell ‘x’ flagged
ETMPx External Temperature Measurement* Temperature measurement voltage = (ETMPx – 512) • 1.5mV
THSD Thermal Shutdown Status
0 = thermal shutdown has not occurred; 1 = thermal shutdown has occurred
Status cleared to ‘0’ on read of Thermal Register Group
Revision Code
Device revision code
ITMP Internal Temperature Measurement* Temperature measurement voltage = (ITMP – 512) • 1.5mV = 8mV * T(°K)
Packet Error Code
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value
Reference Voltage for Diagnostics
This reference voltage = (REF – 512) • 1.5mV. Normal range is within 2.1V to 2.9V
*Voltage equations use the decimal value of the registers, 0 to 4095 for 12-bit and 0 to 255 for 8-bit registers
Examples below use a configuration of three stacked
LTC6803-1 or LTC6803-3 devices: bottom (B), middle
(M), and top (T)
Write Configuration Registers (Figure 8)
1. Pull CSBI low
2. Send WRCFG command and its PEC byte
3. Send CFGR0 byte for top device, then CFGR1 (T), …CFGR5 (T), PEC of CFGR0(T) to CFGR5(T)
4. Send CFGR0 byte for middle device, then CFGR1 (M) … CFGR5 (M) ), PEC of CFGR0(M) to CFGR5(M)
5. Send CFGR0 byte for bottom device, then CFGR1 (B), … CFGR5 (B) ), PEC of CFGR0(B) to CFGR5(B)
6. Pull CSBI high; data latched into all devices on rising edge of CSBI. S pins respond as data latched.
Calculation of serial interface time for sequence above:
Number of devices in stack = N
Number of bytes in sequence = B = 2 command byte and 7 data bytes per device = 2 + 7 • N
Serial port frequency per bit = F
Time = (1/F) • B • 8 bits/byte = (1/F) • (2 + 7 • N) • 8
Time for 3-cell example above, with 1MHz serial port = (1/1000000) • (2 + 7 • 3) • 8 = 184µs