STM8 development tools
13 STM8 development tools
STM8AF526x/8x/Ax STM8AF6269/8x/Ax
Development tools for the STM8A microcontrollers include the
• STice emulation system offering tracing and code profiling
• STVD high-level language debugger including assembler and visual development
environment - seamless integration of third party C compilers
• STVP Flash programming software
In addition, the STM8A comes with starter kits, evaluation boards and low-cost in-circuit
debugging/programming tools.
Emulation and in-circuit debugging tools
The STM8 tool line includes the STice emulation system offering a complete range of
emulation and in-circuit debugging features on a platform that is designed for versatility and
cost-effectiveness. In addition, STM8A application development is supported by a low-cost
in-circuit debugger/programmer.
The STice is the fourth generation of full-featured emulators from STMicroelectronics. It
offers new advanced debugging capabilities including tracing, profiling and code coverage
analysis to help detect execution bottlenecks and dead code.
In addition, STice offers in-circuit debugging and programming of STM8A microcontrollers
via the STM8 single wire interface module (SWIM), which allows non-intrusive debugging of
an application while it runs on the target microcontroller.
For improved cost effectiveness, STice is based on a modular design that allows users to
order exactly what they need to meet their development requirements and to adapt their
emulation system to support existing and future ST microcontrollers.
STice key features
• Program and data trace recording up to 128 K records
• Advanced breakpoints with up to 4 levels of conditions
• Data breakpoints
• Real-time read/write of all device resources during emulation
• Occurrence and time profiling and code coverage analysis (new features)
• In-circuit debugging/programming via SWIM protocol
• 8-bit probe analyzer
• 1 input and 2 output triggers
• USB 2.0 high-speed interface to host PC
• Power supply follower managing application voltages between 1.62 to 5.5 V
• Modularity that allows users to specify the components they need to meet their
development requirements and adapt to future requirements
• Supported by free software tools that include integrated development environment
(IDE), programming software interface and assembler for STM8.
DocID14395 Rev 15