Flexible Expansion Enables Up to 44 I/O
Up to three Expansion I/O Units can be connected if there are not
enough I/O points. Expansion I/O Units are only 35 mm wide.
Note: CPU Units with 10 I/O points can be expanded to 34 I/O points.
Expansion I/O Units cannot be connected to Economy-type
CPU Units.
Support Software with Simulation Function
• Programs can be easily written, saved, and monitored by personal
• Programs can be simulated on the personal computer without
connecting to the ZEN.
Note: For notebook computers that do not have an RS-232C serial
port, connect the computer to the ZEN by connecting an
OMRON CS1W-CIF31 USB-Serial Conversion Cable to the
ZEN-CIF01 Connecting Cable.
Other Versatile Functions
• Use of a Memory Cassette makes it easy to copy and save
• Equipped with two analog input channels (CPU Units with DC
power supply only).
• Password function ensures security. (See note.)
• Multi-language display in six languages (English, Japanese,
German, French, Spanish, Italian). (See note.)
• Display user-set messages or analog-converted values. (See note.)
Note: Not supported for ZEN-@C2@@-@-V2 models.
■ Enhanced Features of V2 CPU Units
Improved Weekly Timer and Calendar Timer
Note: Not supported for ZEN-@C2@@-@-V2 models.
• The time precision has been increased.
Conventional model: 2-min difference/month
-V2 models: ±15-s difference/month (at 25°C)
• Multiple-day operation and pulse-output operation are now
• These improved functions are convenient for time-controlled
applications such as lighting and air conditioning control.
RS-485 Communications Model Added to
Production line conditions can be remotely monitored by monitoring
the ZEN control status.
Lighting control
Air conditioning control
Economy-type Added to the Series
• Economy-type CPU Units with a more affordable price have been
added to the series, although Expansion I/O Units cannot be
12 to 24 VDC Line Voltage Operation
Operation is now possible with 12 VDC.
Expansion I/O Units have been reduced to
half-size (35 mm wide).
Production line
More Precise Analog Input
Conventional model: ± 10% FS → -V2 models: ± 1.5% FS
DC power supply models are equipped with two analog inputs (0 to
10 V). There are four analog comparators. The increased precision
makes it even easier to use the Unit in simple control applications
with voltage, current, temperature, and other analog values.
8-digit Counter, 150-Hz Counter
• An 8-digit counter and 8-digit comparator have been added.
• The maximum count for DC power supply models is 150 Hz.
Twin-timer Operation Added
Twin-timer operation allows you to set ON and OFF times separately,
greatly simplifying intermittent operation.
Programmable Relay ZEN V2 Units