The RH accuracy is defined as the center (dashed) line shown in Figure 7, which is the average of the two data
points at each relative humidity set-point. In this case, the sensor shows an accuracy of 0.25%RH. The Si7005
accuracy specification (Table 4) includes:
Unit-to-unit and lot-to-lot variation in non-linearity compensation
Accuracy of factory calibration
Margin for shifts that can occur during solder reflow (compensation for shift due to reflow is included in the
linearization procedure below).
The accuracy specification does not include:
Hysteresis (typically ±1%)
Effects from long term exposure to very humid conditions
Contamination of the sensor by particulates, chemicals, etc.
Other aging related shifts (“Long-term stability”)
Variations due to temperature (a temperature compensation method is described in section “4.4.
Temperature Compensation”). After application of temperature compensation, RH readings will typically
vary by less than ±0.05%/°C.
Rev. 1.3