MKT 370
Vishay BCcomponents
DC Film Capacitors
MKT Radial Potted Type
Normal Use
The capacitors are designed for mounting on printed-circuit boards. The capacitors packed in bandoliers are designed for
mounting in printed-circuit boards by means of automatic insertion machines.
For detailed tape specifications refer to packaging information: or end of catalog.
Specific Method of Mounting to Withstand Vibration and Shock
In order to withstand vibration and shock tests, it must be ensured that stand-off pips are in good contact with the printed-circuit
• For pitches ≤ 15 mm capacitors shall be mechanically fixed by the leads
• For larger pitches the capacitors shall be mounted in the same way and the body clamped
Space Requirements On Printed-Circuit Board
The maximum length and width of film capacitors is shown in the drawing:
• Eccentricity as in drawing. The maximum eccentricity is smaller than or equal to the lead diameter of the product concerned.
• Product height with seating plane as given by “IEC 60717” as reference: hmax. ≤ h + 0.3 mm
bmax. = b + 0.3 mm
lmax. =
l + 0.3 mm
Storage Temperature
• Storage temperature: Tstg = - 25 °C to + 40 °C with RH maximum 80 % without condensation
Ratings and Characteristics Reference Conditions
Unless otherwise specified, all electrical values apply to an ambient temperature of 23 °C ± 1 °C, an atmospheric pressure of
86 kPa to 106 kPa and a relative humidity of 50 % ± 2 %.
For reference testing, a conditioning period shall be applied over 96 h ± 4 h by heating the products in a circulating air oven at
the rated temperature and a relative humidity not exceeding 20 %.
For technical questions, contact:
Document Number: 28108
Revision: 04-Aug-09