Technical Terminology & Cautions for Use
Technical Terminology & Cautions for Use
(Detection Switches)
■ Detection Switches
A compact switch equipped with an enclosed micro-gap snap-
action contact mechanism that makes a specified motion with a
specified force to open/close a circuit, and an actuator outside
the enclosure (hereinafter referred to as the switch)
■ Actuator
A part of the switch that transmits the received external force to
an internal spring mechanism to move the movable contact so
that the switch can be opened and closed
■ Actuator stopper
A part of the switch to limit the actuator movement in the switch
operation direction
■ Rated values
Values indicating the characteristics and performance guarantee
standards of the snap-action switches. The rated current and
rated voltage, for instance, assume specific conditions (type of
load, current, voltage, frequency, etc.).
■ Mechanical life
The service life when operated at a preset operating frequency
without passing electricity through the contacts. (The life test is
performed at a switching frequency of 60 times/minute and
operating speed of 100 mm/second at the regular cam.)
■ Electrical life
The service life when the rated load is connected to the contact
and switching operations are performed. (The life test is
performed at a switching frequency of 20 times/minute and
operating speed of 100 mm/second at the regular cam.)
■ Contact form
This refers to the
determining the type
of application which
make up the electrical
input/output circuits in
the contact.
■ Insulation resistance
Resistance between non-continuous terminals, each terminal
and other exposed metal parts and between each terminal and
■ Dielectric
Threshold limit value that a high voltage can be applied to a
predetermined measuring location for one minute without
causing damage to the insulation.
■ Contact resistance
This indicates the electrical resistance at the contact part.
Generally, this resistance includes the conductor resistance of
the spring and terminal portions.
■ Vibration resistance
Malfunction vibration ... Vibration range where a closed contact
does not open for longer than a specified time due to vibrations
during use of the snap-action switches.
■ Shock resistance
Shock durability ... Shock range where the mechanical shocks
received during snap-action switches transport and installation
do not damage the parts or harm the operating characteristics.
Malfunction shock ... Shock range where a closed contact does
not open for longer than a specified time due to shocks during
use of the snap-action switches.
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AECTB36E 201811-T