The Rth j-amb of the TDA 2270 can be reduced by
soldering the GND pins to a suitable copper area
of the printed circuit board (fig. 4) or to an external
heatsink (fig. 5).
The diagram of figure 6 shows the maximum dissi-
pable power Ptot and the Rth j-amb as a function of
the side”l” of two equal square copper areas having
Figure 4 : Example of P.C. Board Copper Area
which is Used as Heatsink
a thickness of 35 µ (1.4 mils).
During soldering the pins temperature must not
exceed 260 °C and the soldering time must not be
longer than 12 seconds.
The external heatsink or printed circuit copper area
must be connected to electrical ground.
Figure 5 : External Heatsink Mounting Example
Figure 6 : Maximum Dissipable Power and Junc- Figure 7 : Maximum Allowable Power Dissipa-
tion to Ambient Thermal Resistance
tion versus Ambient Temperature
versus Side ”l”