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TDA8007BHL/C4,118 Datasheet PDF : 51 Pages
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NXP Semiconductors
Multiprotocol IC card interface
Cards 1, 2 and 3 have dedicated registers for setting the parameters of the ISO UART
(see Figure 9).
Programmable Divider Register (PDR)
Guard Time Register (GTR)
UART Configuration register 1 (UCR1)
UART Configuration Register 2 (UCR2)
Clock Configuration Register (CCR)
Cards 1 and 2 also have dedicated registers for controlling their power and clock
configuration. The Power Control Register (PCR) for card 3 is controlled externally.
Register PCR is also used for writing or reading on the auxiliary card contacts C4 and C8.
Card 1, 2 or 3 can be selected via the Card Select Register (CSR). When one card is
selected, the corresponding parameters are used by the ISO UART. Register CSR also
contains one bit for resetting the ISO UART (bit RIU = 0). This bit is reset after power-on
and must be set to logic 1 before starting with any one of the cards. It may be reset by
software when necessary.
When the specific parameters of the cards have been programmed, the UART may be
used with the following registers:
UART Receive Register (URR)
UART Transmit Register (UTR)
UART Status Register (USR)
Mixed Status Register (MSR).
In reception mode, a FIFO of 1 to 8 characters may be used and is configured with the
FIFO Control Register (FCR). This register is also used for the automatic re-transmission
of Not AcKnowledged (NAK) characters in transmission mode.
The Hardware Status Register (HSR) gives the status of the supply voltage, of the
hardware protections and of the card movements.
Registers HSR and USR give interrupts on pin INT when some of their bits have been
Register MSR does not give interrupts and may be used in the polling mode for some
operations; for this use, some of the interrupt sources within the registers USR and HSR
may be masked.
A 24-bit time-out counter may be started to give an interrupt after a number of ETU
programmed into the Time-Out Registers TOR1, TOR2 and TOR3. This will help the
microcontroller in processing different real-time tasks (ATR, WWT, BWT, etc.). This
counter is configured with a Time-Out counter Configuration (TOC) register. It may be
used as a 24-bit counter or as a 16-bit plus 8-bit counter. Each counter can be set to start
counting once data has been written, or on detection of a START bit on the I/O, or as
Product data sheet
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
Rev. 9.1 — 18 June 2012
© NXP B.V. 2012. All rights reserved.
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