H/I-Series H/I-Series
General purpose workhorses with options tailored to meet most any need. Ratings to 17A 125VAC, various
actuator, bushing, termination, and circuit choices allow this toggle to easily integrate into a variety of
different applications. The H/I-Series is appropriate for usage in low voltage DC applications.
Product Highlights:
Ratings up to 600VAC
Available reversing and progressive switch circuits
Variety of termination options
Consult factory for large choice of bushing/toggle
length combinations
Typical Applications:
Food Service
Industrial Control
Office Automation
Carling Technologies, Inc.
60 Johnson Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062
Email: sales@carlingtech.com
Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com
Phone: 860.793.9281 Fax: 860.793.9231