Y Full 32-Bit Internal Architecture
8- 16- 32-Bit Data Types
8 General Purpose 32-Bit Registers
Extensive 32-Bit Instruction Set
Y High Performance 16-Bit Data Bus
16 or 20 MHz CPU Clock
Two-Clock Bus Cycles
16 Mbytes Sec Bus Bandwidth
Y 16 Mbyte Physical Memory Size
Y High Speed Numerics Support with the
Y Low System Cost with the 82370
Integrated System Peripheral
Y On-Chip Debugging Support Including
Break Point Registers
Y Complete Intel Development Support
C PL M Assembler
ICETM-376 In-Circuit Emulator
iRMK Real Time Kernel
iSDM Debug Monitor
DOS Based Debug
Y Extensive Third-Party Support
Languages C Pascal FORTRAN
Real-Time Kernels
Y High Speed CHMOS IV Technology
Y Available in 100 Pin Plastic Quad Flat-
Pack Package and 88-Pin Pin Grid Array
(See Packaging Outlines and Dimensions 231369)
The 376 32-bit embedded processor is designed for high performance embedded systems It provides the
performance benefits of a highly pipelined 32-bit internal architecture with the low system cost associated with
16-bit hardware systems The 80376 processor is based on the 80386 and offers a high degree of compatibil-
ity with the 80386 All 80386 32-bit programs not dependent on paging can be executed on the 80376 and all
80376 programs can be executed on the 80386 All 32-bit 80386 language translators can be used for
software development With proper support software any 80386-based computer can be used to develop and
test 80376 programs In addition any 80386-based PC-AT compatible computer can be used for hardware
prototyping for designs based on the 80376 and its companion product the 82370
80376 Microarchitecture
240182 – 48
Intel iRMK ICE 376 386 Intel386 iSDM Intel1376 are trademarks of Intel Corp
UNIX is a registered trademark of AT T
ADA is a registered trademark of the U S Government Ada Joint Program Office
PC-AT is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation
VMS is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation
MS-DOS is a trademark of MicroSoft Corporation
Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or
copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products Intel retains the right to make
changes to these specifications at any time without notice Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata
December 1990
Order Number 240182-004