TDA 6160-2X
Telegram Examples
Start = start condition
AB = address byte
DB1 = divider byte 1
DB2 = divider byte 2
CI = control information
Stop = stop condition
Converter Mixer + VCO
In the converter mixer the sound subcarriers (frequency band approx. 5 to 9 MHz) contained in the
baseband of the received composite signal are converted to an output frequency of 10.52 MHz or
10.7 MHz for example. The two mixer outputs are designed as open-collector outputs.
The VCO has internal feedback and its frequency of 15.5 to 19.7 MHz is determined by an external
resonant circuit with a varactor diode that is tuned by the PLL. The resonant circuit is connected to
the supply voltage by its low side.
IF-Limiter with Demodulators
The limiter amplifiers are implemented as balanced five-stage, capacitively coupled differential
amplifiers. All there limiter inputs have a common reference (pin 20).
The output signals of the limiter amplifiers are fed direct and via an external phase-shifter circuit to
the coincidence demodulators. The AF-signals can be brought out an disconnectible (by Z2, Z1, Z0)
AF output stages. The outputs are high-impedance when they are disconnected.
Semiconductor Group