1.25 Gb/s Transimpedance Amplifier
Product Preview
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Product Preview
The datasheet contains information from the product concept specification. SiGe Semiconductor reserves the right to
change information at any time without notification.
The datasheet contains information from the design target specification. SiGe Semiconductor reserves the right to change
information at any time without notification.
The datasheet contains information from the final product specification. SiGe Semiconductor reserves the right to change
information at any time without notification. Production testing may not include testing of all parameters.
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable and is provided on an “as is” basis. SiGe Semiconductor Inc.
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Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and
replaces all information previously supplied. SiGe Semiconductor Inc. products are NOT authorized for use in
implantation or life support applications or systems without express written approval from SiGe Semiconductor Inc.
Copyright 2002 SiGe Semiconductor
All Rights Reserved
42-DST-01 Rev 1.3 May 27/02
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