Data Sheet
Very low noise density of 5 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz maximum
Excellent input offset voltage of 75 μV maximum
Low offset voltage drift of 1 μV/°C maximum
Very high gain of 1500 V/mV minimum
Outstanding CMR of 106 dB minimum
Slew rate of 2.4 V/μs typical
Gain bandwidth product of 5 MHz typical
Industry-standard 8-lead dual pinout
The OP270 is a high performance, monolithic, dual operational
amplifier with exceptionally low voltage noise density (5 nV/√Hz
maximum at 1 kHz). It offers comparable performance to the
industry-standard OP27 from Analog Devices, Inc.
The OP270 features an input offset voltage of less than 75 μV
and an offset drift of less than 1 μV/°C, guaranteed over the full
military temperature range. Open-loop gain of the OP270 is more
than 1,500,000 into a 10 kΩ load, ensuring excellent gain accuracy
and linearity, even in high gain applications. The input bias
current is less than 20 nA, which reduces errors due to signal
source resistance. With a common-mode rejection (CMR) of
greater than 106 dB and a power supply rejection ratio (PSRR)
of less than 3.2 μV/V, the OP270 significantly reduces errors
due to ground noise and power supply fluctuations. The power
Dual Very Low Noise Precision
Operational Amplifier
–IN A 1
+IN A 2
NC 3
V– 4
NC 5
+IN B 6
–IN B 7
NC 8
16 OUT A
15 NC
14 NC
13 V+
12 NC
11 NC
10 OUT B
9 NC
Figure 1. 16-Lead SOIC
–IN A 2
+IN A 3
V– 4 OP270
8 V+
6 –IN B
5 +IN B
Figure 2. 8-Lead PDIP (P-Suffix)
consumption of the dual OP270 is one-third less than two OP27
devices, a significant advantage for power conscious applications.
The OP270 is unity-gain stable with a gain bandwidth product
of 5 MHz and a slew rate of 2.4 V/μs.
The OP270 offers excellent amplifier matching, which is
important for applications such as multiple gain blocks, low
noise instrumentation amplifiers, dual buffers, and low noise
active filters.
The OP270 conforms to the industry-standard 8-lead CERDIP
and PDIP pinouts.
For higher speed applications, the ADA4004-2 or the AD8676
are recommended. For a quad op amp, see the OP470 data sheet.
Rev. F
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